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Easy Vegan Pesto with Peashoots

Servings: 1 cup


  • deep jar
  • stick blender, kitchen machine or power blender


For the Vegan Parmesan

  • 1 cup ground up almonds, cashews, pumpkin or sunflower seeds (you can ground them up yourself with a blender, just be careful not to blend too much or you'll have a nut butter instead!)
  • 1 tbsp light miso
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • ½ tsp onion powder
  • ¼ tsp garlic powder
  • ¾ tsp lactic acid powder

For the Peashoot Pesto

  • ½ cup vegan 'Parmesan' (you can use the rest of the veg Parmesan to sprinkle on top of your pasta or for other dishes)
  • 1 cup fresh or thawed frozen green peas
  • 1 small handfull peashoots
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 juice and zest of 1 lemon
  • ½ cup of fresh basil leaves
  • 1 small handfull of mint leaves (I used the leaves of 2 long sprigs of my mint plant)
  • cup olive oil


How to Make the Vegan Parmesan

  • If you haven't done it yet, first ground up your nuts or seeds
  • Then mix your ground up nuts and all the other ingredients for the parmesan in a jar and with a fork simply stir everything til all the ingredients are well mixed. I would not do this in a blender cause you'l quickly over blend it end up with a sticky mess.

How to Make The Vegan Peashoot Pesto

  • Add all the peashoot pesto ingredients to a deep jar and blend with it stick blender til everything is well combined. It does not need to be super finely blended. If it's still a bit too dry you can add some more oil. Alternatively you could also blend all the ingredients in a kitchen machine or power blender.
  • Taste to see if it's to your liking and if necessary you can add more lemon juice, season it a bit more with salt or even add some chilli of you like to give it some kick.
  • Serve on pasta, a salad, sandwich, potatoes or anything else you could think of eating it with! Or store in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks (I'm sure it will long be finished by then though!) or freeze for up to 3 months!
  • Enjoy!